Mrs Alison Heather Brown MA(PPWRL) PGCE FRCA MIAM IFL
Alison has an educational experience that spans 27 years in the Further Education and Higher Education Sectors ( 1985 – 2012) and 10 years as a Self-Employed Consultant (2012 – Present).
She currently Assesses, Moderate, and Support learners on Level 4 / Level 6 SQA Property Law Programmes(Accounts Modules). For MOL Learn. She was also involved in updating the manuals and assessment materials following the CLC Code update in September 2020. When Pearson introduced a new Workskills Suite of Qualifications in 2021- she currently supports centres in the assessment of the new qualification, written for learners with challenging learning support needs. When OFQUAL cancelled exams in 2020 she was appointed a QTAG reviewer to ensure holistic grades were awarded on the basis of a reasonable selection of alternative evidence and that the learner work met performance indicators.
During my career, I have produced approval documentation for:-
- HNC Businesses including a specialist Tax Unit and Management Accounting
- Access to Higher Education (Social Science Health Professional)
- AAT ( Policies, Procedures, Work Based Learning)
- ICM, ILM, and IAM programmes