
Cornerstone College Cambridge(CCC) is an established and leading independent further education as well as sixth-form college and has been preparing students for university and for life since 2012.


Years of history and education

Our founders have worked in the education sector in and around Cambridge for over 50 years. A good number of our leaders and teachers have studied here in Cambridge and other top-flight universities across the UK.

CCC was founded to ensure that students have a good balance of academic excellence and character/leadership education.

CCC is located in Cambridge and Littleport, Cambridgeshire, with close proximity to the University of Cambridge.

Up to 200 students from the UK and around the world will study at CCC every year on our courses taking place onsite and online.

We believe that the primary focus of CCC is to create self-directed and empowered learners. Students who are creative thinkers and problem solvers, students who are internally motivated to explore the universe of knowledge, students who can successfully navigate the real world, and who can compete with the best in their future professions and succeed against the odds.

By the time our students leave Cornerstone College, they will be equipped with the skills and qualifications that will prepare them for the challenges of the twenty-first century. Relevant and real-world outcomes are acquired from their educational time at Cornerstone College Cambridge. On offer to students are: Entrepreneurial skills, Employability skills, Language skills, Communication and information technology, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and inter disciplinary approaches.

Producing useful and productive citizens capable of taking responsibility for their own health, and emotional, psychological, and physical well-being.

Learning firmly grounded in Christian principles and philosophy Inculcating workmanlike attitudes of self-reliance, completing the mission, bench strength and creative thinking.

Built on Christian Values